Tantric Activation for Men

Become a Great Lover & King

  • Do you feel frustrated about your sex life?

  • Are you struggling to create fulfilling connections with women?

  • Is performance pressure making you worried about coming too soon?

  • Do you feel drained and disconnected after ejaculation?

The eternal struggle of all men

Every man knows the disappointment of ejaculating early. All the excitement is over within a few seconds, you feel drained and blame yourself. Most men don’t know what actually happens in them and simply hope for the best the next time. 

Premature ejaculation is a symptom of a much deeper issue in men’s heart and minds: a strong tendency to overthink, performance pressure, a lack of ability to deeply connect with women and struggle to sensitise the body (including the penis).


Done with being Mr. Nice Guy?

Another common way for men to sabotage themselves is to lose themselves in worry, insecurity and shyness when approaching or being in contact with women. A gigantic fear of rejection is paralyzing the natural expression of men’s joy and curiosity towards women.

In order to heal your masculine essence you will move past your addiction to sexual release and instead use intimacy to reach new heights of connection and awareness. You will reconnect your heart and cock to create an unstoppable union of love and lust. Women will not be able to resist you and you will guide them to sexual bliss while staying strong and clear in your core.


The Nature of Tantra

The tantric path will lead you to staying fully centered no matter what happens around you, knowing that you are fully supported by the universe. The aim is to become comfortable in the unknown.

You develop the skill to harness your sexual energy to manifest your dreams. By stopping to make yourself be a victim of your emotions or overly controlling them, you will be able to let your life force radiate through your body. This will attract the right people and circumstances into your life.

What happens in the sessions

Every session is tailored specifically for your individual needs and current state of being. During our sessions we will find and release core beliefs which are standing in your way to fully enjoy your sexuality while staying fully present. 

You will learn to slow down, hold the arousal and relax any tensions. After receiving tools and practices to control your ejaculation you will learn to move the sexual energy into your whole body. With enough practice you will enjoy full body energetic orgasms. 

Through conscious communication you will be able to create a safe space for you and her. Here you will both be able to freely and clearly share desires and boundaries to explore deep relaxation and excitement together.