Sensuality Temple Retreat

Trust, Intimacy & Sacred Eros

May 18. - 21., 2023

Make your life more alive, more loving, more balanced emotional & sensual

This 4-day Retreat is a group initiation into Intimacy & Sensuality. A new way of heartful relating as authentic, empowered, tender sensual beings.


• 4 days in nature, fireplace, forest & silence

• Sacred Sensuality Temple spaces

• Transformative practices: Sensuality practices, Togetherness, Breathwork, Tantra, Emotional Release

• Shamanic group journeys

• Morning practice & meditation

• Coaching in group sessions

• Healthy, organic yummy soul food


The group field is a container to support each other to develop our ways of creating conscious intimacy, aliveness and inner freedom. To allow ourselves to drop old conditionings of fear, guilt & shame, letting go of patterns of holding back from expressing how we feel, what we want or not setting our boundaries. 

In this journey we will create a nourishing experience that permits each one of us to explore slowly out of our comfort zone in a safe container, into more tender honest emotional & erotic relating. With ourselves & with others

Through the practices you will playfully explore how to connect in an effortless way. To experience the power of slowing down in intimate & sensual moments. And to feel the strong healing of togetherness, celebrating the power of simple presence with each other.

The Sensuality Temple retreat is a sacred space to rewire ourselves to a safe tender sensual relating, to tune into deep listening to life & love vibrating through us.

We refer to Eros as life sensual energy running through us, energy that can take form in different ways - connecting with each other, but also with nature, with life itself & with our own heart. 
We aim to help you to have less fear guilt and shame from being sensual emotional & erotic. To reconnect to this life force inside you in a positive empowering way.

The program is designed to

• Connect deeper to your senses, sensuality and your intuition
• Slowing down & allowing yourself to deeply listen to your emotions feers & desires.
• Learn how to create intimacy without effort
• Renforce trust in yourself
• Express yourself more authentic in dance voice breath sound & movement
• Experience the power of togetherness & learn how to Include yourself in a group
• Connect to a juicy source of happiness & love inside of you

Our intention is to create heart connection, love, and beauty within the group and in each one of us. Let yourself be guided by your curiosity, innocence, and love for life. The Retreat is specially designed to get you more in touch with your authentic and lovely self. You empower yourself to act from a place of love, freedom, and honesty. 

It will be lead by Kachenka Foltova & Michael Kreuzweiser and the main language is english.

Who is it for?

This workshop is for singles & couples, beginners & advanced and of any sexual orientation and gender that wishes to deepen their connection to their inner wisdom and walk a path of more awareness, freedom, and love in their lives. 


Understanding the Process of Transformation


Sacred Temples


are great spaces to practice slowing down in intimate situations. To honor and celebrate our heart, our aliveness and our sovereignty. It is a place to develope skills of communicating in Intimacy, practice to say “no” and to receive a “no” & to say “yes” and ask for what you want.

Cacao Biodynamic Breath-work


A powerful experience to access your emotions, to free yourself from old wounds and pain, and to feel fully alive. Breath-work bridges your unconscious with your consciousness.

The Shamanic Blindfold Playground


is a powerful tool to access our emotions, to free ourselves from old wounds and pain, and to fully get alive. Breathwork is key to our inner universe and our heart.

The medicine of Togetherness


is the power of a group to hold each other in this life journey. To be there one for the other simply as we are with our limits & our good will. Simply being together is a powerful magic that accelerates transformations & transcendence.



The Art of slowing down is the practice of awareness & heart-eros connection, fully embracing life as it is. This practice cultivates an open and powerful energetic flow and supports us in being more present.

The art of sensuality


Eros with tenderness & deep listening is a gateway into our hidden powers and enlarging our capacity of sensing feeling & expressing life through us. We tune ourselves to vibrate more in this life, more authentic & centered with less effort.

Emotional Release


is a great tool to unlock emotions and to feel more open and connected. To release shame & fear of feeling non-harmonious emotions is a key practice to go deeper inside ourselves, be more present and less held trapped in old wounds.



An important practice to navigate and restore your energy levels and to work directly with your nervous system. It helps you to stay present, alive and well.


Landhaus Gottsdorf

A beautiful big venue surrounded by woods and nature.


Retreat incl. food:

Early bird (until 1st of April):





Double/triple rooms or dormitory

125€ - 145€ depending on the room, you will book your room directly at the seminar house. Rooms upon availability.


To register fill up the form:

for now to register email to Laura:

For further information or questions


We will ask you to pay 195€ to secure your spot to PayPal.

You will receive the Paypal address after registration in the link below.

The rest of the payment will be in cash on the day of the retreat.


You can receive a refund of your deposit within 24 hrs of payment. After that your deposit is not refundable if you cancel. You can find a person of same gender to join in your place.

  • "One word that most honestly describes the retreat for me is connectedness. To have the experience of immersing myself in a room full of love and real closeness with strangers was overwhelming, sometimes frightening and deeply liberating. A sacred space in which everything was welcome and everything was allowed to be. Since these days together, I have felt more alive, sensual and soft than ever before with myself and in relationships.”

    — Christine

  • "The retreat with Micha and Kachenka was the most fulfilling and enriching retreat in the area of sensuality, connection, sexuality and playfulness so far! The two were totally present and created a wonderful setting in which we could research and play to our hearts' content. I want more!”

    — Jakob